Rachel Mason Nunn

Social Development Specialist
Rachel Mason Nunn

Rachel is a social development specialist, anthropologist, podcaster, public speaker and experienced strategist and thought leader. Rachel launched her podcast, Good Will Hunters in June 2018, out of a desire to explore how the not for profit sector can become more sustainable, innovative and collaborative by partnering with the private sector and conversely how the private sector can play a more meaningful role in social impact and international development. Rachel is passionate about supporting organisations with the knowledge and connections they need to sustain, scale and communicate their impact. Rachel has worked alongside government, the private sector and the not for profit sector in Australia and throughout the region. Rachel holds a Masters in Applied Anthropology and Participatory Development, a Degree in Political, Economic and Social Sciences and has studied in both Australia and India, including at the prestigious Tata Institute for Social Sciences. Rachel has also worked extensively in PNG, including work in the education sector alongside the Kokoda Track Foundation, as well as work on the World Bank’s tuberculosis response.
