Connecting Papua New Guinea and Australia through the Arts

Connecting Papua New Guinea and Australia through the Arts

This workshop brought together 20 participants from different areas within the arts in both countries to explore the potential for greater connection and co-operation, in terms of the creation and showing of art and participation in cultural activities, but also to support artists and arts bodies with administration and management to make a career in the arts a viable economic choice. Participants also discussed maintaining Indigenous cultural practice and encouraging broader engagement with the Indigenous cultures of PNG and Australia through the arts. The workshop concluded with a public reception and showing of the PNG-Australia film and music collaboration a Bit na Ta.

This workshop brought together 20 participants from different areas within the arts in both countries to explore the potential for greater connection and co-operation, in terms of the creation and showing of art and participation in cultural activities, but also to support artists and arts bodies with administration and management to make a career in the arts a viable economic choice. Participants also discussed maintaining Indigenous cultural practice and encouraging broader engagement with the Indigenous cultures of PNG and Australia through the arts. The workshop concluded with a public reception and showing of the PNG-Australia film and music collaboration a Bit na Ta.

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